ACE's Welcome

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An ACE's Welcome.

Hello and welcome to h2g2. I'm MazinMadFiddler, more generally known as MMF here. I'm one of the Assistant Community Editors, known as ACE's and I welcome newcomers like yourself, known as 'newbies', offer a smiley - tea or asmiley - pggb if they prefer, and a smiley - donut. In fact, just ensure they are ok.

So, a little introduction to h2g2. Firstly, if you are looking at a screen that is light blue and white, then you are on the 'new' site, affectionately known as 'Barlesque'. Unfortunately it's not quite working properly smiley - groan. Might I suggest that you swap to an older skin via www /dna/h2g2. You will have to manually key the web address (minus the spaces), via 'my preferences' as the hyperlinks don't work in the new skin. By clicking on the 'My Space' button (left hand side, third down) you can return to your own personal home page.

You can choose either Alabaster, Brunel or Goo. See which 'skin', as they are known, you prefer. You can always change to another skin if you wish. These skins are more stable than Barlesque, which is being debugged at present, so please be patient.

If, however, your screen is made of coloured boxes then ignore the above as you are already in one of the old 'skins', although you may still wish to change it as directed above.

So! Welcome to h2g2! Now what, as an ACE, can I offer?

You may have arrived at h2g2 after reading an article, or stumbling across a conversation and wished to comment. smiley - ta for that. You have made a very good start. Comments and feedback are always welcome as it keeps the site fresh and up to date. Feedback also helps the writers of entries know that their work is appreciated and, more importantly, being read. So smiley - ta again. Please click on the links for further information.

May I suggest reading through a few things about h2g2 to see what is available here. If you don't wish to contribute immediately, then there are many ways to be involved, either in the many social areas like the Atelier, or just via conversations. Have a wander and a browse, and please use the search box, top right.

Might I also suggest going to your Space, via the 'My Space' icon on the left, third down, click on the 'Edit this Entry' button and write a little piece about yourself. You don't have to write anything in depth or be too personal, but other researchers may like to know a little about you. Please visit my personal space at MMF as an example.

Perhaps you might like to write about how you found us and why you joined h2g2, as that's really interesting to people who drop by to find out more about this exciting new person that is you.

h2g2 is big. To paraphrase the words of our Founder, D.N.A., "h2g2 is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is". Please don't let that put you off. There are many h2g2 researchers on site who are friendly and creative types so if you want any help or advice, please ask. Help will soon be forthcoming. As your ACE I'm here to help and guide you. I'm automatically subscribed to this thread so anything you need, ask here and next time I'm online I'll be happy to assist you. And that is my promise.

Enjoy your time at h2g2. smiley - goodluck and have fun.


smiley - musicalnote

Please note!

Due to the cut-backs at the BBC, h2g2 is being sold off as a going concern. This definitely does not mean the end of h2g2 - in fact, you may have joined at about the most exciting point in its 12 year history, as many researchers, like me, are campaigning to keep the h2g2 community alive! Please read more at The h2g2 Community Consortium and feel free to participate.

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