Tony Blair: A Profile

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Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, First Lord of the Treasury, Minister for the Civil Service and Leader of the 'New' Labour Party.

Born Anthony Charles Lynton Blair on 6 May 1953 in Edinburgh to Leo Charles Lynton Blair and Hazel Blair.

Blair pre-Parliament

Our young Tony was educated at Fettes College, Edinburgh and then St John's College, Oxford. At Oxford, Master Blair excelled in... singing? He was the lead singer and guitarist of a band called Ugly Rumours. How appropiate. He met Cherie Booth, daughter of Tony Booth, during his first year law apprenticeship and before you know it1 they were married. Before becoming a barrister2 in 1976, specialising in employment and industrial law, and just after graduating from Oxford, Tony worked as a bartender and insurance clerk in Paris3.

Blair's rise to power

Tony Blair's first step of the ladder of Parliament was, frankly, disappointing. After joing the Labour Party in 1975, he came third in May 1982 when running for Beaconsfield4. That didn't stop young Tony though. Only thirteen short months later he won the newly created seat5 of Sedgefield. In 1984 he was appointed assistant spokesman on Teasury, then he became Deputy Spokesman on Trade and Industry in 1987 (however, his Official Biography on the Downing Street Website curiously omits to mention the latter post). He was finally elected to the Shadow Cabinet6 (as Shadow Secretary of State for Energy) in 1988, becoming Shadow Secretary of State for Employment in 1989 and he was voted onto the National Executive Committee7 in September 1992. Following the election that year he became Shadow Home Secretary8 and he was elected to the Labour Party leadership in 1994 after the sad demise of John Smith, whilst the party were still in opposition.

Blair as Leader of the Labour Party

At 41, he was the youngest ever Labour Party Leader and this came across in his leadership style. Blair set out to modernize a party that had been in opposition for 15 years. He abolished the parts of the Labour constitution that called for a nationalization of all public services and brought the party's outlook away from the left and towards the centre (something now called centre left). To show how much the party had changed he renamed it 'New Labour'. However, this isn't neccasarily a bad thing, as some members of the British Press9 have lead the public to believe.

TB, as he isn't known to his friends, was helped in his quest to create a 'Cool Britania' by two close chums, both honourable, upstanding members of the community who are not guided by anything other then noble intentions, Alistair Campbell (a former journalist)and Peter Mandelson (a politician).

Blair as Prime Minister

Another triumph for Tony came when he was elected to power aged just 43, the youngest Prime Minister since Lord Liverpool in 1812. Blair's leadership of the country to date in many areas could be considered a success. The country is prosperous (relatively), unemployment is low and George Bush is still in the USA. However, people have accused our Tone of being too Presidential in his leadership style, with everything centralised to Whitehall and Blair having the final say on a lot of matters. Of course, this is only one opinion and it could be completely made up, but best to include it for balance.

In recent times TB has stood 'shoulder to shoulder' with a Republican President whilst being a 'close personal friend' of a Democratic President. He has also found the time to father a child, Leo, the first PM to do so in office since Lord John Russell in 184810.

And so we come to the present and the future. Who knows where 'Tone' will lead the noble British?

1Well, 4 years later2A member of Lincoln's Inn, if you're interested3Source, Newsmakers, 19964He got just 10% of the vote5Every so often in the UK the parliamentary constituencies are re-drawn to match the spread of the population6The main opposition party in UK politics forms its own Cabinet, the Shadow Cabinet, to decide on political matters. Members of the Shadow Cabinet are given their own area to produce policy on and given the title 'Shadow...7The part of the Labour Party that makes all the important decisions8In other countries this is usually known as Minister of the Interior.9The Daily Mail10Blair also has three other children, Euan, Nicky and Kathryn

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