Advice for Suicides
Created | Updated Oct 1, 2002
Thoughts to share with anyone planning to end it all
So, you're contemplating suicide. Here's some advice.
Things that need doing
Leave a message - clearly addressed to the coroner. Leave short, loving messages to anyone else who may need them.Don't talk about it beforehand. If you say it's not up for discussion, then don't land anyone with the guilt of not being able to persuade you to change your mind.
Before you go, clear up all your affairs. Close your bank accounts etc. Make sure all your bills are paid. Make arrangements with an undertaker for the disposal of your remains - you don't have to tell them when. Just have a paid up plan of some sort and leave it somewhere obvious.
Sell or give away all your possessions to your favourite charity. Destroy all old letters. Throw out all rubbish. Clean the place, especially the fridge. Mementoes that you want specific people to have should be clearly labelled and accompanied by a copy of your will.
Make sure the method you have chosen is foolproof. Too many failures end up permanently disabled and unable to finish the job. Make sure that nobody will find you in time to bring you back.
Give serious thought to who is going to find your body. The shock, even for someone who is used to death, can be considerable.
If you know anyone under the age of 18 who loves you, you must not do it.
And please don't involve innocent bystanders.
This sounds very cold. It isn't meant to be. I have been where you are standing and you have my continuing love and respect whatever you decide to do / whatever you have decided, and I am so sorry for your pain.
Finally, remember that you're perhaps not thinking clearly, so keep this checklist handy. And don't rush off until you can say in good conscience that you have taken care of business. Anything worth doing is worth doing well.