A Conversation for What do the Community Artists do?

Advice, please

Post 1

A. Honeybadger

Hi there,

I have been pondering trying my hand at community art for a while, and would like a little more info about what you would recommend as a suitable program on which to create for the site, since I may have to consider buying some new software if my stuff is too out of date.

I have long enjoyed using Image Composer, which I daresay most people would have a good laugh at, and it is really old, but I find easy to use, and it was designed mostly for the creation of web gifs, including animated ones. (Can you tell I'm madly trying to defend my old friend and product of choice smiley - laugh)

I have recently been trying my hand at Photoshop, but find it a bit intimidating...

How much of a time commitment is required, and would there be allowances for a learning curve if I need to buy new software?

Thanks very much.

Advice, please

Post 2


sorry I only just saw this, I'm not actually subbed to this page like I am the other one.

The time commitment is whatever you can put in, and it is usually a graphic once a fortnight or so. But if you have time every week is alright, there isn't much pressure as it is a volunteer group.

We just like to know new artists are committed to the thing they are joiningsmiley - smiley

AS long as you can create images that aren't going to break copyright then and you can produce the image to the specific size then it should be fine.

I hope this helps


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