A Conversation for nose
Peer Review: A829172 - nose
Alondar, keeper of answers to unasked questions(G.O.W.) Started conversation Oct 10, 2002
Entry: nose - A829172
Author: Alondar, keeper of answers to unasked questions(G.O.W.) - U202048
Uhh what do you type here if its a discription this is a basic article covering the main aspects of the human nose
A829172 - nose
dpen2000 Posted Oct 10, 2002
This is a great start. Even though it is slightly unbelievable, there is a few other sources you can use to flesh out the article a bit.
Firstly, your links are slightly mixed up. Under the text "Nose hairs", the link is going to the article on Nose Bleeds which seems a bit wrong. The mucus link goes to the article on Nose hairs but this article does not seem to have much to do with Mucus.
Second, you need to check the grammer in this article. For example, you list the seven types of smells and then go straight on to the next sentence starting with "there". You could use a ";" to link this sentence in but I suggest using a normal full stop.
Third. Anosmia is the total or parsial loss of smell. See http://directory.google.com/Top/Health/Senses/Smell_and_Taste/Anosmia/ for more information. You might want to include something about this in your article from the sources availiable there. By the way, dig deeper into some of those sites and there is more links than Google Directory offers.
Fourth, olfaction is the proper word for the sense of smell. You might be advised to use it although it is not totally needed. More importantly, you can use this word to search for more information on the sense of smell. This page in particular might have some information you can use: http://www.leffingwell.com/olfaction.htm although it is a bit technical.
Fifth, you don't need the title at the start of your article. The guide of grammer usage in the guide advises the use of a preamble introduction instead. Also there is a need for you to standardise titles in the article and use capitals correctly in them.
If you want to have some fun at the end of article, you could mention Red Nose Day - ignore me, if you have not heard of this UK event.
Anyway, good luck,
A829172 - nose
Alondar, keeper of answers to unasked questions(G.O.W.) Posted Oct 11, 2002
thanks and yes I have heard of red nose day but I donot support it not for the cause but the way they do their research makes you wonder if the whole thing is actually worth the fuss ($1,200 on working lunches or whatever)
A829172 - nose
Dr Hell Posted Nov 4, 2002
Great Entry, might I suggest a link?
A791246 - Size Matters: How big are molecules?
My totally debatable and optional 2p worth:
- I think you should restrict the title to 'human nose'.
- You might want to add some famous noses
- And the old nose-size being equivalent to... you know
See you around, brilliant Entry indeed.
A829172 - nose
Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese Posted Nov 4, 2002
famous noses!
Apparently, Nophretete / Nephertite (sp?) had one of those.
Others are owned Mike Krüger (German comedian&singer), Gerard Depardieu, and, ummh...?
A829172 - nose
Dr Hell Posted Nov 4, 2002
I mean "Cyrano de Bergerac" is all about noses...
And "The Perfume" is somewhat related...
And the nose of the Sphyinx...
A829172 - nose
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Dec 11, 2002
This is a good entry and should become part of the Edited Guide, but it needs a little work before it is picked.
You could try running it through a spelling checker. Copy and paste the contents into Microsoft Word or a similar product and see what it makes of it. There are a few spelling mistakes.
Get rid of (stupid joke) and the whole of Footnote 1.
mucus should start with a capital M since it is the first word of a sentence.
There are a whole range of diseases that affect the nose, for example Rhinoviruses. These whould be a more common affliction than a loss of smell.
A829172 - nose
Mina Posted Dec 11, 2002
Thre's an Edited Entry on Anosmia, that could be linked to. A378632
I think that nasal polyps are also sufficiently common that they could be included in the list at the end.
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Peer Review: A829172 - nose
- 1: Alondar, keeper of answers to unasked questions(G.O.W.) (Oct 10, 2002)
- 2: dpen2000 (Oct 10, 2002)
- 3: Alondar, keeper of answers to unasked questions(G.O.W.) (Oct 11, 2002)
- 4: Dr Hell (Nov 4, 2002)
- 5: Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese (Nov 4, 2002)
- 6: Dr Hell (Nov 4, 2002)
- 7: Gnomon - time to move on (Dec 11, 2002)
- 8: Mina (Dec 11, 2002)
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