A Conversation for Insects' Houses of the UK Shared By Humans

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 21



I did not spot that the other post was from you as well!

All those mentioned are insects. The reference to other Arthropods, spiders etc was in response to an earlier post to somehow get spiders in so they are there along with centipeds and others but I think I have distingushed them from insects. What do you think?

Early Man as you call him lived in several habitats incluidng some cave dwellers in what is now China. I did not want to refer to cavemen as such as I agree with you in is a misnomer. Your point is a good one so I have gone in and made some changes to reflect a more diverse start on this planet for Homo spp and his ancestors.
smiley - cheers

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 22


Wonderful entry - it's going in. smiley - smiley

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Post 23

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A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 24


Thanks for the message Sam.smiley - smiley

Much appreciation to all of you who offered many constructive suggestions and ideas which helped this piece along its way.smiley - hug


A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 25

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - cheers

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 26


smiley - bubbly

SallyM smiley - smiley

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 27

Gnomon - time to move on

smiley - bubbly

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