A Conversation for Insects' Houses of the UK Shared By Humans

Peer Review: A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 1


Entry: Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans - A828975
Author: topher@cholesbury - U198188

This started off as a short perhaps light-hearted piece but research revealed so many insects that a more scientific approach was adopted.

I would welcome comment on style and ideas for other insects to include.
smiley - cheers

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

What a super entry smiley - ok

I know that spiders aren't insects, but I think in a piece like this, most of us will be expecting some mention of arachnids, especially as they are one of the most frequently seen of the creepy-crawlies smiley - spider

smiley - smiley

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 3

Trout Montague

I like this entry a lot ... it is certainly something that I would refer to over and over when I unearth something creepy-crawly. I am especially comfortable with the notion that we live in their space and not the other way around.

If I have a beef, it is that it is UK-specific, which I only found out by footnote near the end of the first section. But that should only inspire me to write about the entomological delights I encountered whilst living in a farmhouse on the edge of a Swazi sugar-cane estate (most of the bugs seem the same anyway).

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I agree with you about the placing of that information Dr T. There's certainly no mention of some of the fun little creatures we come across in south central Texas smiley - yikes. Perhaps the name of the entry should be changed to reflect the fact that these are the kind of insects you're likely to find in a UK house, or any northwestern European building.

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 5

Trout Montague

Absolutely. No need to change the entry - just the title.

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 6


Just adding another complement to this thread....It's an excellent article.

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 7


Thanks for the encouraging comments. I will let this thread stew for a bit longer to pick up on any more thoughts but wanted to respond to the really helpful and constructive posts so farsmiley - biggrin

Yes the spidersmiley - spider issue troubles me as well. I have an idea as to how to bring them into the story but it needs some thinking through at my end firstsmiley - erm

On the UK reference this was something I spotted just as I was posting so just did that fix. I will incorporate your ideas on the rewrite. Perhaps there is another piece on other insects around the world in peoples houses or one on the weirdest insect you have had in your house! Then again maybe not.

I'll sign off here but wait to see what pops out the ether.smiley - run

smiley - cheers

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 8

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I know that a lot of Scouts will be eager to recommend this one as it's so original, and if any work on it were done sooner rather than later... smiley - smiley

We'll get it onto the front page pronto smiley - biggrin

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 9


I have made the suggested additions to this article which I hope have encapsulated the ideas from the earlier helpful suggestions.smiley - tongueout

Thanks for all the ideas.smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 10

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Well, apart from a few minor tweaks, like uppercase letters which should be lower and vice versa, I reckon this one's ripe for pickin' smiley - biggrin

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 11


smiley - ok

"easy transition to speicalise on paper."

"the Assassin Bug may take the"
"Pseudo or False Scorpions."
Did these have latin names?

Really enjoyed reading this article.

Did wonder where the ant came into this story?. Our house is regularily (well once a summer) invaded, they are generally in the wall cavities and whilst most go outside, some invade our conservatory.

SallyM smiley - smiley

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 12

Researcher PSG


Great entrysmiley - smiley

However can I suggest a title:
The homes of Insects that Humans just happen to live in.
Just a thought that occured to me smiley - smiley

Researcher PSG

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 13


Thanks for the comments and suggestions which I have done my best to incorporatesmiley - cheers. (SallyM)Yet to track down the latin name for the Pseudo scorpion. Will go on a hunt for it. So subject to any other improvements put forward feel I have gone as far as I can without going OTT.smiley - tongueout

I will leave it to incubate now.

smiley - antsmiley - cakesmiley - antsmiley - chocsmiley - spiderSeem to have an infestation so must sign off and deal with it!smiley - antsmiley - antsmiley - antsmiley - antsmiley - spider


A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 14

Sea Change

There are a number of Edited Entries that could be linked to this.

I particularly like: 'Flies', 'Wildlife Garden-Insects, Amphibians & Reptiles', 'Cicadas', 'Water Bears' and 'Things that make your skin crawl'

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 15


Hi Sea Change

Thanks for your suggestions. I think most are appropriate and good spots, except perhaps the article in development on Water Bears where the connection in any case is a bitloose.

I assumed (if the piece is Reccomended that is) the convention is for the Sub Editor to suggest links or does it help if one has a look around oneself? smiley - erm.

Perhaps for the fun of it I will get my collecting tin and butterfly net and go on a bug huntsmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - ant

smiley - cheers

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 16

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I usually have a peek around the Edited Entries myself, but the sub-ed always manages to find one or two that I would never have thought of. And sometimes I find one they never thought of smiley - biggrin

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 17

Gnomon - time to move on

This is an interesting and well-written entry. It will certainly be picked eventually.smiley - ok

I have two points to make:

1. Are all these creatures insects?

2. Early men did not live in caves. Although there is a common idea that primitive men were cavemen, this does not seem to be the case, although there is no doubt that some caves around the world were inhabited. You can refer to cavemen in a jocular fashion and we'll all know you are joking, but you shouldn't refer to them as if they really existed.

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 18

Gnomon - time to move on

Some other points:

1. It is normal nowadays to say 'humans' or 'Humankind' rather than 'Man'.

2. Have you forgotted woodworms?

3. Should the House Fly appear in the Kitchen, rather than the Living Room?

4. You say 'to coin a phrase'. This means "to make up a new phrase". What you really mean and should say is 'to re-use a well-worn phrase'.

There are some typographic errors:

ancestors. A possible --> ancestors, a possible
will date at least back --> dates at least back
Upto --> Up to
disappearing as we open --> it can be spotted disappearing as we open
There presence --> Their presence
Ant world as they --> Ant world, they
genetisists --> geneticists
painful bite for insects --> painful bite to insects
(or else change word 'restrict' to 'reserve')
humans best efforts --> humans' best efforts

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 19



Thanks for your comments. Helpful in some cases but I am afraid I have to take issue with some though.

'Man' is an acceptable term to use in Anthropological circles. I took the trouble to check some texts I have by academics at the Natural History Museum who specilise in early Man. They use this liberally with hominiod, Homo sapiens etc. So in the contect as this is a scientific piece (of sorts) I see it as OK. If you mean by not Normal 'not PC' well I am not conversant with the H2G2 House Rules but will bow to the Editors of course. For the moment it stays though.

Woodworms are there. They are difficult to spot as they bore into the furniture and are to be found residing in the Living Room. They are called Furniture beetles.

My Flies are in the Living Room too. There is no room in the Kitchen at present!

To 'coin a phrase' is defined in my dictionary as "said ironically after one uses a cliche" Collins 2001 edn. I think 'mostly harmless' is a cliche in the contect of the H2G2 site.

The typos you spotted look to be in need of some work I will check them next time I am in edit mode. Thanks for some good spots.

Thanks for your suggestions even if I have challenged them they were worth a shout!smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

A828975 - Insects' Houses That Are Shared By Humans

Post 20

Gnomon - time to move on

smiley - ok It's your entry! And a jolly good entry too.

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