A Conversation for h2g2 Romances

Another Other Romance

Post 1

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Well, myself (U651852) and Mrs. Dreadful (U1186308) have been married since September 2003 and (despite my constant putting off of the washing up) are very happy.

smiley - lovesmiley - handcuffssmiley - love
I'm a big softy really.

Another Other Romance

Post 2

Mu Beta

Master B's Helpful Tip For Avoiding Washing-up (Patent Pending)

If you do it once in a while, when you're bored or something, and _make a really poor job of it_, then your other half won't even ask you to do it next time. smiley - ok


Another Other Romance

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Congratulations Mr.D.smiley - ok
You're now added to the Other Romances.smiley - cupid

You've got it all wrong, B.
The man who washes up for his wife all the time, yet misses it once, is the biggest smiley - bleep in the world.

The man who never washes up, but just occasionally says "Sit down, dear, I'll do it tonight" - is the most wonderful, attentive hubby in the world.

So says my dad, and my parents have been happily married for 63 years.

Another Other Romance

Post 4

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

*takes frantic notes*

Another Other Romance

Post 5


*passes dishwasher catalogue*
smiley - bluefish

Another Other Romance

Post 6

Mu Beta

Don't remember you eating that...


Another Other Romance

Post 7


smiley - rofl
Why is there no smiley?
smiley - bluefish

Another Other Romance

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

That would be great, with an audio of the original Basil Brush!

smiley - laugh

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