A Conversation for Long Night of Museums, Berlin

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Post 1

AXR (empty)

smiley - biggrin nice entry, I lived in Berlin for a long time smiley - winkeye
but I never found the time to visitsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

You could add a link to the official home page (although its in german) "www.lange-nacht-der-museen.de" for further info and the events coming up next year.
Also it's to mention, that you can visit some parts of some museums, which are not open for public normaly.

A last thing I think about is to mention the:
"Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft" - long night of science, and the
"Schlössernacht" night of palaces even thought this is in Potsdam

AXRsmiley - ok

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Post 2

Demon Drawer

If I add the link the page will go down for moderation so I'll have to have a word with the editors about this.

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