A Conversation for Redbrick - Home of She and Skenvoy

living room

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

does any one want to talk to me?

living room

Post 2

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

*walks into room*
oh hi
*sits down in comfy leather chair*
do you like our house then?

living room

Post 3

Reality Manipulator

yes its very nice especially the leather sofa i am not well due to being sick last night & i have had big electricty bill today!!!

living room

Post 4

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

ooooh nasty... dont like bills... very glad i dont pay them

smiley - cheerup hope you feel better now your on my nice comfy sofasmiley - smiley

living room

Post 5

Reality Manipulator

yes thanks i must & not drink so much!!!!

living room

Post 6

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

smiley - silly

living room

Post 7


*Walks in and sits next to she*
*puts arm around she*
Hi Jedi Woman


living room

Post 8

Reality Manipulator

you are lucky she, i have not got a boyfriend, no man to put their arm around me as i am past it @ 39 they men only want to be friends (penpals) & that's all i am very lonely & i am not after skenvoy!!!!

living room

Post 9


I've just been doing some stuff to the Redbrick page any comments??


living room

Post 10

Reality Manipulator

1st tim bee i haven't seen all the rooms but what i see is great! love the scenery!!!!

living room

Post 11

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

*snuggles up to skenvoy*
you will find someone... everyone does

smiley - fairy

living room

Post 12

Reality Manipulator

i doubt it due no social life because of having m.e & the carer responsbilities.

living room

Post 13

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

there is someone perfect for everyone
your man is just hiding at the moment

smiley - fairy

living room

Post 14


she's right... and you can usually find people when you least expect it; i wasn't expecting to find anyone here!


living room

Post 15

Reality Manipulator

i must learn patience be hopeful & the force will guide me in finding my loved one as master yoda would say.

living room

Post 16

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

and now your stuck with mesmiley - loveblush
smiley - smooch
smiley - smooch
smiley - smooch
smiley - smooch
smiley - smooch
smiley - smooch
smiley - smooch
smiley - smooch
smiley - smooch
smiley - smooch
smiley - smooch
smiley - smooch
smiley - smooch
smiley - smooch

living room

Post 17

Reality Manipulator

what's the wildlife like outside? i love the countryside!
puts feet up & sips champagne

living room

Post 18

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

im not sure... *kissing skenvoy*
why dont we check it out sometime

*whispers to skenvoy* bedroom

living room

Post 19


smiley - loveblush
You know thats an interesting point... I haven't looked at the wild life outside yet... I guess I should of....


living room

Post 20

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin


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