A Conversation for Redbrick - Home of She and Skenvoy

The kitchen

Post 1


Welcome to the Kitchen. Feel free to grab something to eat. There is lots of food available in the fridge and freezer. There are also robots on hand that will prepare anything you like; making life easy! smiley - winkeye


The kitchen

Post 2

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

*gets cup of tea and chocolate biscuit before reaching the garden*

The kitchen

Post 3


*makes 2 cups of tea in large mugs, very milky with two sugars*


The kitchen

Post 4


*raids kitchen getting food for camping*


The kitchen

Post 5


*gets a large chocolate cake and heads back to garden*


The kitchen

Post 6


tell me skenvoy, do you have any liver???

dr_lectorsmiley - winkeye

The kitchen

Post 7

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

eurgh liver
smiley - yuk

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