A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem

Chasing angels?

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

OK then - but you'll never catch me!smiley - flyhi *flaps wings and hovers in midair, tantalizingly just out of reach*

Nice poem - only one thing lacking... this!>smiley - milk

Chasing angels?

Post 2


~Greebo grins at Titania... and then does one of her amazingly agile standing leaps... does an extremily complicated mid-air soumersault.. and finally comes to rest on Titania's left shoulder... being extremily careful not to catch the gently flapping gosamer like wings...~

Now... you know you should never issue me with a challenge like that... ~grin~ ... my tis nice up here isn't it!!

~Greebo settles herself down more comfortably...~

Me had to stop writing... or me thinks all Smiley's would of ended up in the poem... ~big grin~... would of taken ages to load... but yes me agree's... milk with a straw is not one to be missed... not that me is hinting or anything... ~wink~

~Greebo turns to stare at Titania... her really quite charmingly pretty nose only centimetres away~

My... you look very delightful today Titania my love... hmmm... not that you don't look wonderful every day mind... but today... you seem to have a special loveleness about you... ~big grin~


Chasing angels?

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - laugh

*lands carefully*

OK, OK - I get it!smiley - biggrin

*closes eyes*


smiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milk
smiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milk
smiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milk
smiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milksmiley - donutsmiley - milk

Chasing angels?

Post 4


~Greebo jumps off Titania's shoulder and looks at the arrayed feast...~

Er... me would share with you... but me doesn't think there is enough for two... ~sheepish grin~


Chasing angels?

Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch)

Oh, you deserve it Greebo!smiley - cuddle I guess you have been very busy because of that computer virus...

Chasing angels?

Post 6


Of course me deserves it... me is Greebo... ~grin~

Hmmm... that virus... grrrrrr... though it didn't keep Shazz down for long... me was posting things... but she did her fair share in editing... ~Greebo shakes her cute head in amazement~


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