The h2g2 Poem

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Ode to the Humble Smiley

The humble smiley does grace our page

With graphical humour that’s all the rage

So I thought an ode to it would be nice

And pen to paper I put in the thrice

Let’s see, which smiley is the best

So many to choose from I'll get no rest

So maybe I should just make a list

and then I will not get a painful wrist

First I think smiley - angel is kind of fun

but if you like chasing them you'll have to smiley - run
smiley - flan's are nice and so is a smiley - dog

You can use your smiley - spork to eat some smiley - corncob

Be careful not to scare yourself with the frightening smiley - shark

Thank goodness the smiley - moon is full, it won't get to dark

Sit back and relax with a nice cup of smiley - tea

and eating a dozen smiley - donut's, is the best thing for me

Take off in a smiley - rocket, to visit a distant smiley - star

Careful you don't meet a smiley - ufo if you go to far

Sitting back on a beach with your smiley - towel by your side

If it’s big like smiley - thepost you can use it to hide behind

If you want to say something naughty, try to remember the smiley - bleep

especially if what you have in mind concerns some woolly smiley - sheep

Get on the big red smiley - bus, it'll take you for a spin

Down to the local smiley - disco, where the smiley - diva does her thing

Whether you smiley - blush or get smiley - flustered when someone says you're smiley - cool

Or maybe show how much you smiley - love someone when they have been a fool

A smiley - cuddle is so very nice when you are feeling smiley - blue

and maybe a smiley - kiss is just the thing when smiley - smooching is right for you

If smiley - ghost's and smiley - vampire's scare you, you can smiley - magic them away

With a little smiley - fairy dust to help them on their way

But be careful or a smiley - pirate will plunder all your loot

Have ready those pink smiley - handcuffs, so you can give him the boot

You could always go see the smiley - doctor or the smiley - nurse if you are ill

and maybe have a smiley - stiffdrink to take away the chill

A cheerful smiley - lighthouse will always help light the way

and not forgetting the seasonal smiley - santa when it’s closer to Christmas Day

So that’s it for this ode, I really have to stop and say no

There simply are too many smileys’ to put them all on show

I'm just thankful they are here, providing us all with a graphic flair

and that h2g2 are so very generous they let us post them without a care

Poetry and Prose


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