Black & Tan: A Beer Cocktail

3 Conversations

The Black & Tan is a drink for those bored with their regular beer. Here in the good old USA, consumers are inundated with commercials and advertising for the mass marketed, and very watery beers such as Budweiser and Miller Light. Little does the average Yank know that the whole of the beer drinking world is laughing it's drunken butt off at them.

In a typical American consumer's beer drinking endeavors they sometimes let laziness take them over and they end up buying these, and I'm putting this extremely mildly, weak beers simply because he or she can buy a truckload of the wretched stuff for less than it costs to order a pizza. The quantity is there but the quality has been thrown out the window.

The point must be made that not all American beer is comparable to dishwater. There are many newer and better tasting brands of beer. In New England there is Sam Adams beer, Philadelphia has Yuengling, but it is England and Ireland that has some of the best beer in the world. The two beers being discussed and praised here are Ireland's Guinness and Bass Ale from England.

There are some breweries that make their own Black and Tan beer, but is it Guinness and Bass that make up a true Black and Tan. The recipe is very easy to make:

Ingredients: A large beer mug or stein. Frosted if possible.
A Bottle of Guinness
A Bottle of Bass Ale

Directions: Pour Guinness into mug, remembering to pour down the side of the glass to reduce the head. Pour bottle of Bass Ale into mug. Drink. Repeat until desired state of intoxication is reached.

In certain conditions, the Bass will float on top of the Guinness giving the whole drink a very cool dual colored effect.

This is a rich tasting, tongue pleasing drink for all beer drinkers.

And as always, if you are under legal drinking age, DO NOT DRINK.

Drink, be happy, and make sure the person behind the wheel of your car is sober.

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