A Conversation for Dungons and Dragons Shop


Post 1

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

1,small shield
1,bottle of water
Let me know when food is available.As you cannot fight on an empty stomach.
Or could you tell me of a handy inn for a person to eat at.
Until then,I shall go hunting in the forests,wish me luck.


Post 2

Loup Dargent

smiley - surfer to kevo the gamemaster:
smiley - starone large shield please and a bottle of water [i will get it blessed myself just in case we encounter some vampires on the way...]

smiley - boing to The Paladin: dragon meat is quite tasty i have been told... and don't forget there is always a kow around... hehe..

loupsmiley - fullmoon


Post 3

kevo The god of Dragons

hi you can all get some food here A809831


Post 4


scale mail armour and a skeleton key


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