Ifa: Youruba Oracle Chant

2 Conversations

This is the chant of the Yoruba Tribe of Nigeria,West Africa.
This chant may be connected with and perhaps used
in summoning their god: Olorun the sky-chief.
It was handed down to me by my father, Dr. Guillermo Rivas, who learned it while studing with the Curanderos or medicine men of the indigenous peoples of Mexico.
It is said to generate positive spiritual energy and is used in healings.

O Guno Delay Au Re Quete
O Guno Delay Au Re Moro
O Guno Delay Au Re Quete

Aaah Aaah Aaah Aey.

O Guno Delay Au Re Quete
O Guno Delay Au Re Moro
O Guno Delay Au Re Quete

Aaah Aaah Aaah Aey.

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