A Conversation for World War Battlefield

All's quiet in the Zaphodista camp. Can't we all just get along?!

Post 21


What about Hussein's insistence on not allowing weapons inspectors in the country?

His treatment of minority groups?

I don't like how Bush and his pet are going about this: but I do think that something needs to be done about Hussein.

All's quiet in the Zaphodista camp. Can't we all just get along?!

Post 22


"Hussein's insistence on not allowing weapons inspectors in the country?"

He just agreed a few weeks ago to allow weapons inspectors access to everywhere in the country, unconditionally. On the other hand, the US would never allow UN weapons inspectors to see what we [the US] have. If this were reason enough to invade a country, then UN forces should invade the US.

His treatment of minority groups is horrible, but I'm not sure that it has been worse than other nations, such as Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, China's treatment of Muslims and Christians. Plus the fact that Iraq attacked Kurds has been known for years now. Why would that suddenly become justification to invade the country? The only reason it has become a big issue now is that Bush and company know they will lose public support for wars if they wait too long after the terrorist attacks, so they want to resume this war that has been on the Bush administration's drawing board since at least the time of Bush's presidential campaign.

I would be happy to see Hussein overthrown, but I don't think we are the right ones to do it. Since WWII, we have a bad track record for trying to bring democracy or anything helpful to nations that we invade. It's not just Bush or Blair who seem to be problems to me. It's nearly every military intervention by the US since its formation.

All's quiet in the Zaphodista camp. Can't we all just get along?!

Post 23


But is there still going to be a war? I havent heard much on the Iraqu front since he did so...Blair has actually decided that he wont act without UN security council backing...

I don't think that we should try and spread the banner of democracy to every corner of the world: I can no longer watch any Star Trek series, because the whole concept seems quite abhorrent to me now...and space exploration fundamentally American: try and discover new lands rather than to help the ones we already know about.

I'm very conflicted about the Iraqi thing: I dont like war, and I dont like conflict: I think it does little good. But at the same time, I dont see how this can go on: both Hussein and Mugabi are leading their countries to destruction, and it is not the people's fault. [The same it is not your fault that the US public elected Bush] I feel that the international community should be doing something, but what? I don't know.

All's quiet in the Zaphodista camp. Can't we all just get along?!

Post 24


There you go. We can't run our own elections respectably, but we're going to sacrifice the lives of US and Iraqi soldiers & citizens so we can install a better government in place of Hussein or Mugabe? I guess Bush has practice installing a government here, so he knows it can be done easily in other places too.

All's quiet in the Zaphodista camp. Can't we all just get along?!

Post 25


But something does need to be done about Mugabe and HUssein, for the country's peoples rather than for the sake of democracy etc... people are needlessly dying the world over...

...But Bush only knows how to solve problems with a big stick. It's easier than surrendering money for the World AIDs Fund [only received 0.3 billion of the ten billion required.]

All's quiet in the Zaphodista camp. Can't we all just get along?!

Post 26


Maybe I can ignore the real impending war for awhile and just have a party in the Zaphodista camp A520769. I just read an announcement that they're going to try reactive moderation on h2g2 for a while, and leave it that way if everything goes well. Details on the "Peer Moderation Pilot Project" are at A864236.

smiley - cheerssmiley - cheerssmiley - cheers

War of post-moderation is coming to a close!

All's quiet in the Zaphodista camp. Can't we all just get along?!

Post 27


Oh so it's OK to forget war NOW.

smiley - tongueout

smiley - winkeye

All's quiet in the Zaphodista camp. Can't we all just get along?!

Post 28


Sorry. Let me get back into character....

smiley - peacesignsmiley - peacesignsmiley - peacesignsmiley - peacesignsmiley - peacesignsmiley - peacesign!!

All's quiet in the Zaphodista camp. Can't we all just get along?!

Post 29


smiley - zen

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