MIB: Study In Black... PART 1 (under construction)
Created | Updated Sep 1, 2002
The following data regarding the Men In Black have been compiled thanks to the collaboration of two other Researchers; romani.angel and The Paladin without whom this entry would not have been so informative...
MIB's Physical Appearance:
There are two types of Men In Black, one with very pale skin complexion (almost waxy looking) and the other with dark skin one (often described as asian-like appearance).They both have slanted eyes...
Witnesses have often noted the MIB's lack of hair on not only the head but also the arms.
The Men In Black speak with an unindentifiable accent. Their victims always say that they never heard it before and haven't either since.
They seem to pause between words, like if they were catching their breath.
Their voice has been many times described as computerised...
The Men In Black seem to have difficulties with walking, their walk has been described as jerky and robot-like...
But as they tend to appear at the front of their victims' doors and have never been seen walking long distance even when without any visible means of transport, it might not be a problem as such for them.
MIB's Usual Props:
They wear an old fashion, but brand new, dark suit, sometimes with sleeves and trousers legs slightly too short...
They wear a hat and dark glasses most of the time, supposedly to hide those particular features mentioned earlier.
Their shoes are black (again old fashion ones though still brand new) and worn occasionally on the wrong foot.
The MIB have been known to also wear a uniform when inpersonating US Air Force's members of staff1...
The Men In Black are usually seen getting in or out2 an old model (and brand new of course) black car3 with dark windows and fake registration number plates.
A glow coming from inside these vehicles has been noticed at several occasions...
These cars are never heard arriving nor leaving even on driveways covered with gravel.
One of them was seen vanishing into thin air right under the eyes of police officers investigating the report of a suspicious car parked near a commercial building.