MIB: The Political Aspect

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It's Time To Fight Back

Strikers marching.

Whatever we believe about the Men in Black's origins, there are points about their actions through all these years that should definitely raise some concerns...

People have been (and are still being) threatened, intimidated, harrassed and silenced on a regular basis.

The fact that these neglected victims are ufos sightings witnesses or UFOs researchers should not in any way give an excuse to the police for not investigating.

Every case of harassment is serious and at the end of the day whoever is targeting these witnesses is breaking the law.

It is rather disturbing to know that the police will only come to check out the traditional black car parked near their victim's home if there is a commercial building near by as the car can then be reported as suspicious.

Sightings witnesses and UFOs researchers are tax-payers/voters too and deserve the same protection than anyone else.

Apart from the fact that the law is being broken and the authorities let the perpetrators get away with it, there are other issues that need to be looked at: their victim's basic and democratic right to freedom of speech is in effect violated.

That fact being ignored by the authorities could then bring questions on the sincerity of our elected representatives regarding such an important issue.

All is well criticising/condemning other countries for their lack of certain foundamental democratic rights but it would be even better if our governments were making sure that their own people were not silenced through intimidation themselves...

This entry is not finished yet, there are more points that will be added soon... Once that's done it will be linked to other entries as part of a project on the MIB... Watch this space.

Three shadowy figures.

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