A Conversation for Magic Mushrooms

Sheep on Drugs

Post 1

Purple Lemur

While I have always been a proponent of the "Free Use of Your Body for Whatever the Hell You Want to Use it For" (FUYBWHYWUF), I really must say that the idea of a SheepRave sounds slightly scary. Even though I love sheep (probably beyond healthy limits) I would hate to be caught in the middle of a drug-induced sheep frenzy. Thanks for giving me the shivers!

Sheep on Drugs

Post 2

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

It all begins to make sense ... Pink Floyd - Animals - Sheep ... oh my god ... a mushroom induced halucinogenic canine masacre and ovine orgy.

"Bleating and Babbling they fell on it's neck with a scream,
Wave upon wave of demented avengers marched cheerfully out of obscurity into a dream"


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