Magic Mushrooms

2 Conversations

On Earth, one its main inhabitants are sheep. Sheep are just one of many mammalian carbon based life forms that can 'enjoy' the pleasures of Magic Mushrooms.
The fungi's hallucinogenic qualities derive from the mushrooms natural defence system; sheep would eat the aforementioned flora, and proceed to convulse, mentally. The sheep would then think, (in theory, or 'SheepTalk©' " Now this is just too much. My brain is meltaling out of my earballs and the fieldses all fractally. Scary. I am only a ……. What actually AM I?" sic ad infinitum. It would then think twice about consuming anymore of the strange plants, for fear of inducing even more strange phychological effects.
Now if there's anything more stupid than a sheep, it would be a sheep undergoing pseudo-mystical recreation due to the surreal properties of the fungi. And if theres anything more stupid than that, it would be a SheepRave™.
There could be a gigantic sheep drug subculture, with sheep raves, sheep clubs, and also, naturally, sheep detox centers. However this is probably not the case.
I have heard music from a lot of genres, but never heard of Baa-aaaa-aaaaanging Techno.

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