A Conversation for Gheorgheniplex: Rescue Plan
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cactuscafe Started conversation Feb 23, 2011
space towing. . yay. with the yellow rope. strong enough to tow an asteroid and rearrange fate. hahah. I might call them next time the car breaks down. see where they can tow me. silvershiny car in space. follow that yellow rope. hahah
Space Towing
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Feb 23, 2011
Yep. That's what we all need - Triple-A in space...Triple-A for the spirit...
(AAA, pronounced 'Triple-A', is the US roadside assistance company. You buy a membership, and they come tow your car or sell you a new battery, etc. )
Space Towing
cactuscafe Posted Feb 23, 2011
Ah yes, I love it. Triple A for the spirit. That's funny, 'cos we have double AA roadside assistance. The AA. They are amazing. Now though, if I break down, I will say that I am all broke down on the highways of my inner, and outer space-brain, and I need some triple A yellow sonic vibrations for the spirit and help! help! the asteroid! the asteroid! and they might suggest I eat more broccoli.
This is your fault. It is so. haha. Nice inspiration. Thanks. I happy am.
Space Towing
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Feb 23, 2011
I wonder. Does eating broccoli contribute to better brain-care? Probably not. I eat a lot of broccoli.
True story: About 20 years ago. Family celebration our neighbours were having, we were invited. I was there with my mother, to be polite. A very small boy was there in a suit, about five years old (the boy, not the suit). First suit, probably. Instructions to behave, definitely. Small Southern boy, confined within adult civilisation for an hour.
First encounter with broccoli, on crudite tray. Revelation. Amazement.
'Mommy, can have I some more of those little trees?'
Ah. The wonder of childhood.
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