A Conversation for Talking Point: Losing your Cool!

My tuppence worth

Post 1


This is great, I get to have a rant about all the things bugging me.....

1. I work in Tech Support, when you answer the phone the guy on the other end of the line asks to speak to a Technician - because he thinks women can't do tech support, and I'm just some sort of receptionist.
2. People who say "Isn't that just like stripping?" or "Where's the jewel in your navel?" when you tell them you're a belly dancer - neither are funny, about as much as I take off is a veil, and the jewel-in-the-navel thing is a fallacy/American invention.
3. Drivers who don't use indicators, or who leave their indicator on for ages after turning - what, you can't hear it going "click click click"?
4. Cyclists, at night, wearing black, no reflective clothing - are you asking to be run over? Do you have a death wish?
5. When you boss changes the rules/procedures and doesn't tell you for 2 weeks that he/she has changed it.... then pulls you into his/her office to complain to you about it... then doesn't apologise.
6. People whose kids are obviously old enough to understand logic, and stand there calmly chatting to similar parenting-style person as both sets of kids run around screaming in a shop.
7. Cubicle-based workplaces - soul-destroying!!! I don't know how much longer I can sit here surrounded by pink hessian and grey/blue formica.....
8. L'Oreal adverts - "Because I'm worth it". No. You're not.
9. The fact that in the UK, people who work and have kids can get extra Tax Credits - because they are "contributing to the country". I just don't get it - how much do these kids cost, in terms of state education, healthcare, etc etc etc. Surely someone with no kids contributes more - they pay the same amount of tax as the child-bearing mob (well, before those hearing the patter of tiny feet get their Working Tax Credit) - and use up less of this for themselves.
10. People with prams and buggies and other child-carrying contraptions, who stop dead in the middle of a pavement/just outside the shop you want to go into, and stand there chatting, taking up more room than a small herd of elephants would, as the kids run around screaming - see 6 above.
11. People - OK women in fact, generally of the middle-class, hoity-toity, holier than thou, shop at Marks & Spencer brigade, who go "Ewwww" when they see you have a little discreet body piercing (like my tragus piercing, the wee lump of cartiledge that sticks out over my earhole) - and they have their ears pierced themselves.
12. Men who talk to your bosom.... especially if they're your boss.

I think I'd better stop now, I can feel the anger building... plus its lunchtime!

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My tuppence worth

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