Dungeons and Dragons club

15 Conversations

A red dragonA red dragonPentagram in a circle, two candles

Dungeons and Dragons


The empire of Izmer inhabits a world of magic. Social class is dependent on magical ability, the mages control the empire and quite clearly are much better off than the people without magical ability. This has created some tension between the ruling class and their subjects and as a result all is not well in the Empire.
One of the more powerful Mages, Profion, wishes to seize control of the empire from the current empress. However her position is powerful because she holds a staff which gives her the ability to control dragons. In order to get around this problem he first attempts to find another staff which would give him the same control


you pick a identity humans elves or dwarves name your player
and walk arould the dungeons fighting monsters like goblins and hobgoblins.


Dungeons and Dragons bank
when you do the leves you get gold
the bank is for your gold you can keep it there all the time
and when you want to buy some thing just get it


Dungons and Dragons Shop
the shop is were you can buy and sell things like
new spells,food,drink
,rope,weaponsweaponssmiley - star

when you play it

they are a leves once a weak and you cloud get up to 100 gold to 200
that is only leve one so have fun


  • 1. you have one identity humans elves or dwarves
  • 2. you have two weapons but if you dont like the weapons
    you can sell then at the shop
  • 3. only elves or dwarves can do spell
  • 4. humans are the best at fighting
  • join

    so if you want a good fun game wirte here and i will get you a bank


  • game-1 is on the 21/09/02
  • game-2 is on the 22/09/02
  • game-3 is on the 29/o9/02

  • and more game to come.

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