Dungons and Dragons Shop

1 Conversation

If you want weapons click on the coloured writing.


Leather Armour - free

Standard armour to start off with. Reletively weak.

Studded Leather Armour - 25

Same as leather armour but stronger.

Steel Armour - 40

Strong and long lasting armour but heavy.

Scale Mail Armour - 60

Steel scales bound together to prevent much damage.

Spiked Scale Mail Armour - 100

Same as scale mail armour but with spikes on.

Dragon Scale Armour - 150

The strongest armour. Almost inpenetrable.


Mini Shield - 10

Very small sheild

Small shield - 20

A small shield

Medium Shield - 30

A medium sized shield

Medium Spiked Shield - 45

Same as medium sheild bu with spikes on.

Large Iron Shield - 60

A large strong shield.

Large Dragon Scale Shield - 100

Made with a dragon's scale.



30 ft Rope - 10

Long rope.

50 ft Chain - 30

Long chain.

Padlock and Key - 5

A padlock.

Water in a Bottle - 25

Some water in a bottle.

Skeleton Key - 25

Opens a door !!!ONE USE ONLY!!!

Torches and a Lighter - 40

Pack of 3 torckes and a lighter.

Mythrill Bag - 50

Unbreakable bag.

Item Kit - 200 (Cost of all items seprate, 290,)

Special item kit containing - 1 mythrill bag, 2 packs of torches and 1 lighter, 3 bottles of water, 1 padlock and 1 key, 1 50 ft chain and 3 skeleton keys.

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