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ex boy

Post 1

mod bod

get rid of him and have me

ex boy

Post 2

a girl called Ben

Why thanks! smiley - blush

I am half ashamed of loving the Beatiful South Song 'Don't marry her, f**k me'; which I got to by word association.

All the best


ex boy

Post 3

Trout Montague

mod bod's right.

Forget him. Anyway he's 'eating another pie' isn't he?


ex boy

Post 4

Trout Montague


ex boy

Post 5

a girl called Ben

If I say I am forgetting him, do I protest too much?

After that conversation I told him to stop calling me 'for a chat'. So he sent me emails.

So I told him to stop sending me emails, and he started sending texts.

I now ignore the texts.

The long and the short is that while we are on friendly terms, there is nothing of substance there. I assume that he is finally realing that how I feel, what I think, and what I do is no longer any concern of his. I have refused to recieve calls he makes just because he is feeling the guilts...

Your poem, Dr T, is very good indeed. And painfully true.

Thanks for dropping by.


ex boy

Post 6

Trout Montague

It's true, but false. Meaning you think you're completely disabled but you're actually (ungratefully and self-absorbedly) so much better off than some. Poems are so much easier to write when you're having 'lurve' problems.

Dr Trout
(lurve therapist)

ex boy

Post 7

Trout Montague

Sorry not 'you' but 'one'.

ex boy

Post 8

a girl called Ben

Yeah, I am much happier than my poems are.

I write a poem and I don't feel the emotion any more. If I want to feel that emotion again (and sometimes I do want to, just to go through it rather than round it) I read it again. In total I read each one maybe 20 or 30 times, and then I move on.

You can tell when I am unhappy or going through a lot. I write poetry.


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