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ACEs' Home Page |
Why be an ACE? |
What do the Aces do? |
ACEs' Code of Conduct |
Volunteer to be an ACE

The ACEs' Code of Conduct

ACEs work as a team, helping our new Researchers find their feet and nestle into their new home. We also watch out for those in need of assistance, finding relevent information which will help them.

Aces are under no obligation to be online for a specific amount of time, or to greet a certain number of people a month. All we ask is that you welcome new Researchers when you are online and are committed to the site.

If at some point in the future you decide that you no longer wish to be a part of the project, please let us know.

If an ACE stops contributing for an extensive period of time they may be asked to leave the group, but we will always email first, as we fully understand that real-life events take precedence.

Finally, it is vital that ACEs are polite to Researchers. Any critical or negative postings from ACEs could scare off new Researchers, and this will only harm the friendly reputation of h2g2.


ACEs sometimes have to discuss confidential information away from h2g2 itself. It is vital that they are able to keep this information secret, and that it is never discussed outside of the dedicated areas or with other people.

It may be necessary for some information to be passed on to the Moderators and/or Community Editors as problems may go beyond the remit of the ACEs.

All ACEs and Moderators will be asked to give proof of their identity to protect the site and its users. This information will go directly to Not Panicking Ltd and will be kept confidential.

Basic Terms and Conditions of h2g2

This section is just a reminder of the terms and rules you have already agreed to on h2g2, and points out that the same terms and rules apply to the mailing lists associated with the volunteer schemes. We're not asking you to agree to anything new when you become an ACE.

Everyone who participates in h2g2 is bound by the House Rules of the site, and it is particularly important that the ACEs are seen to do so as they represent the public face of h2g2. Anyone being deliberately offensive will be warned and, if necessary, will be removed from the scheme.

ACEs' Home Page |
Why be an ACE? |
What do the ACEs do? |
ACEs' Code of Conduct | Volunteer to be an ACE

The ACEs are the upstanding members of h2g2. They are always available to provide a polite and friendly helping hand.

They greet newbies and help them get to grips with the sometimes overwhelming h2g2 experience.

They try to calm down heated discussions with a few well-chosen words.

They're the sort of people that you'd like to meet in real life, and they do it by embodying the values of h2g2 that we all hold dear. This is the difference between the Aces and unofficial schemes: the Aces are exemplary members of h2g2, whereas unofficial scheme members can be anything they want.

This doesn't mean that we're trying to dictate the online personas of the ACEs, or what they do. We just ask that they're always friendly, helpful and very patient with our Researchers.

How to Join the ACEs

Does this sound like the kind of scheme that you would be interested in joining? If you'd like to join this volunteer scheme, you can apply by starting a new Conversation below. Please give us details of your h2g2 Researcher number and your h2g2 nickname in the title so that we can find your details quickly.

Thanks for volunteering!

ACEs' Home Page |
Why be an ACE? |
What do the ACEs do? |
ACEs' Code of Conduct | Volunteer to be an ACE

For details of all our volunteer schemes, check out the volunteers page.

This is the Home Page of the Assistant Community Editors, or ACEs. The ACEs meet and greet newcomers to H2G2. They are particularly kind and helpful members of the H2G2 community, so if you have a question or need directions, ask an ACE! They'll be only too happy to help.

The following Researchers have joined the ACEs. These wonderful people are completely voluntary, and they help out in their free time, so please be nice to them if you see them.

You can either leave messages of praise or thanks at the bottom of this page, or on individual ACEs' Personal Spaces, which can be found below:




Dr Anthea


lil ACE/Scout



Mister Dreadful




How to Find Out About the ACEs

We've got quite a few pages that explain more about the ACEs - take your pick from the following, or use the links at the top of the page.

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