A Conversation for The h2g2 Community Consortium

Proof reading help

Post 61


There's no point biting off more than we can chew. The site's been with us for twelve years - we don't need to make every single correction needed in the space of a few months.

I know it was a remark made in levity, but it just led back to what's been bothering me - this urge to do everything NOW. It was fine when we had the enthusiasm, but that kind of outpouring can only last so long while everything still remains in limbo. And now people are starting to feel swamped by what they have taken on.

So, let's secure the site's future, then let it evolve. We'll have all the time in the world for the "wouldn't it be nice if..." side of things then.

Proof reading help

Post 62


smiley - doh All that, and I forgot what I was posting for - see what I mean about addressing too many things at once? smiley - winkeye

I'll take the next section (which I believe will be the ninth). I won't need you to put it here or send it to me Ben, I'll get it myself. smiley - smiley

Proof reading help

Post 63

Mrs Zen

Brill - when I've cleared the crap off the kitchen table I'll put up 10-15 tonight.

Proof reading help

Post 64

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - ok

Proof reading help

Post 65


Mmm I think that we've been dreaming a lot. It doesn't mean that all the things we're dreaming off need to happen, or even are going to happen. Though I think we've sometimes given the impression that we want to change everything now.

We've been talking medium-long as well as short term. In a way it's great because it's got some people exicited about the future, but it's also been quite threatening to a lot of people.

Proof reading help

Post 66

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The key to a long and happy future is to always have something to look forward to. We can get that from the things we dream.

Proof reading help

Post 67

Mrs Zen

Here's #10

I've unshared the long versions.

#11 is on its way...

Proof reading help

Post 68

Mrs Zen




Proof reading help

Post 69

Mrs Zen



Proof reading help

Post 70


And there's nothing wrong with that. But I just sometimes get the impression that we've got the ratio of "Needs Done Now" : "Dreaming" wrong.

Perhaps this seems to be even more the case for those not on the committee, because a lot of the "Needs Done Now" isn't visible to them. I hope nobody gets defensive, we all know the reasons why it is that way. But the fact that it needs to be that way has certain consequences it's hard to avoid: For example, if it seems that the enthusiasm and energy from the early days has waned a little, it's probably because people feel there isn't a lot they can do practically until the results of the bid become clear.

After the announcement that hootoo was getting the axe at the Beeb, there was something akin to an adrenaline rush within the community. But an adrenaline rush only lasts so long. If you're fleeing from a ravenous bugblatter beast it might give you a head start, but you'll need to reach shelter or kill the smiley - monster eventually - you can't just keep going on adrenaline indefinitely. I suspect that's where we are now. It feels like we're in limbo, and motivation gets a little harder to come by.

And, dare I say it, this isn't necessarily a bad thing, this flagging of energy. A narrower focus on what's going on, and a corresponding lack of new threads starting up by the score (at least not every day smiley - winkeye), is probably desirable when it comes to keeping everybody up to speed and on board.

Anyway. Not the thread for this.

Proof reading help

Post 71


KB - yeah, we know what you mean. It's been tricky.

I'll take #11, Ben.

smiley - fairy

Proof reading help

Post 72

Mrs Zen



Proof reading help

Post 73

Mrs Zen

KB - we were talking about just that thing ourselves earlier.

It's natural that peoples' enthusiasm ebbs and flows. Heaven knows, ours does, same as everyone else's. It's April and this has been going on since the end of January, and the only indication of timings we have are Nick's announcement. And of course, none of us knows if this is all p***ing in the wind, or if we will in fact pull it off. And unlike Taff, I don't think it's a fait accompli, I do think it's all to play for.

We're a talented bunch, both on the Interim Committee and more especially in the Community as a whole, and we've got a wide range of skilz. But even though a few of us have skaggs of professional experience of websites and social media and of working on IT and web development projects, none of us is actually a Project Manager. So we are doing that side of thing on a mix of common sense and instinct. And that means that although there's a plan, there's not a Microsoft Project Plan. And even if there was, we probably couldn't share it anyway.

I know we're putting together a good bid. I know it'll be the best bid we *can* put together. But I'm also aware that we are pushing things out a the Community without much fanfare and warning.


Here's #12:


Let me fire up a new podcast, make a cup of smiley - tea and get on with #13.


Proof reading help

Post 74


#11 done and emailed. smiley - tea

smiley - fairy

Proof reading help

Post 75

Mrs Zen



Proof reading help

Post 76

Mrs Zen



This puts us a third of the way through the collection. smiley - somersault Thanks guys. I very much appreciate it. Your website needs you. It's a far, far better thing you do. And he to-day that proofs this text with me, Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile....

.... er. Sorry. Got carried away for a moment there.

I don't want to spoil our rhythm, but I'd like a couple of evenings to do a few other things, not least to incorporate the changes so far into the master version of the book. So I'd like to pick the proof-reading up in a few days time.

Let's make a date for 15-28 for Sunday onwards, or maybe Monday onwards.

Is that ok with you super-star dudes?

In the meantime, keep the rest of this lot coming in.

Once again, thanks everyone.

We're hoopy. smiley - pggb

Proof reading help

Post 77



Proof reading help

Post 78


Looks like #10, #12, #13 and #14 are still up for grabs.

Now I must be off to work... smiley - yikessmiley - run

smiley - fairy

Proof reading help

Post 79


File 12 Done.

No changes


Proof reading help

Post 80

Mrs Zen

Thank you Rod. smiley - smiley

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