The Simpson's World
Created | Updated Mar 8, 2003
Welcome to Springfield, h2g2, EARTH EDITION
This is the legendary home of the Simpson's. Rather, this is the rather unknown home of the now legendary Simpson's. The longest running, prime-time, animated TV show in American TV history. One of the funniest shows of the second half of the 20th century. A model for dysfunctional families everywhere.
The Simpson's House
The show was written about and researched by: The Ghost Of TV's Frink and edited by: Fruitbat(Eric the) in an article: The Simpson's - TV Series. If you need to know more, just ask!
Housing for sale/rent1: CHEAP!
New Homes are availible in Springfield. Check out the forum below for new listings!
Now Moving In
Already in residence
- Friar, the Big Dawg - 4242 Elm, across from the Springfield retierment castle
- Captain AJ Rimmer - 16 Meltdown Rd, the little yellow house
Work in Springfield
The Legitimate Businessman's Association of Springfield has unexpectedly had a few, er, vacancies. Lots of new jobs are open!
Sorry, all positions at the Android's Dungeon are currently filled; ask Capt. AJ Rimmer for an application re: future opportunities.
Raising a family in Springfield?
The Ayn Rand school for toddlers and the Springfield Elementary School are always looking for the best and brightest, but will certainly take what we can get!
Shopping in town?
The Android's Dungeon, The Qwick-E Mart and Krusty Burger are all open for business, centrally located in Springfield Shopping Plaza.