A Conversation for How to Make a Hemp Bracelet

Some sugestions

Post 1

Digital redneck

One of the problems faced when writing a step-by-step how to article (regardless of the subject) is knowing what assumptions can be safely made about the readers skill and knowledge of the process. What seems obvious to you may leave someone else scratching their head. On the other hand, filling the article with to much extremely basic knowledge will suck the life right out of the project and make the reader want to move on to something else. Finding the balance can be tricky.

I think your instructions for actually tying the knots and forming the bracelet are very well written. A diagram would have been easier to put together I am sure but that was not possible and you made due very well. However, as a reader there was a couple of unanswered questions left when I was finished with the entry.

Why make a hemp bracelet? In some forums it would be unnecessary to answer but in the guide, read by a wide segment of a diverse community, it is a fair question.

Where do I get supplies? I have no idea where I would go to get Hemp twine or bone beads. Some advice on this count would be helpful.

Is it legal? You and I know that the hemp used to make clothing and jewelry is not the same as smoking marijuana but you should not assume your reader knows this as well, At least not in this forum.

Taken as a whole, I would have to say this is well on its way to being ready for consideration by the editors. You have a great start. Just polish it!

Some sugestions

Post 2


Sorry Digital Redneck, me was unaware that you had written something below this entry... please forgive my lateness in answering you...

Thank you for the kind words... me has altered the text to say that you can get both twine and beads from craft shops etc..

As to why to make a hemp bracelet... it is fun... a hobby... trying something new... me is not sure that the reader needs to be told why they need to do it... they can read the article and decide for themselves... if you write an article on how to make a recipe... you don't detail why the reader should do this... it is up to them to decide if it is something they want to do...

Hmmm... me is not sure this article is the proper place to go into the discussion of the differences in hemp twine and marijuana you smoke... Me did ponder if me should write a few words about just that... but decided that the article was about Making a piece of jewelry... not about making hemp twine.. or making beads... The article shows what you need to make a finished product... it tells you how to make it... after all if me was to write that instead of hemp twine... you needed a a piece of string... you would not require me to go into details on how the string was made...

No doubt other will tell me what they think on this subject... maybe an article on industrial hemp might be a good idea... but me doesn't see the need to write about it in this article...


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