h2g2 Writer's Group

6 Conversations

The h2g2 Writer's Group

Welcome to the h2g2 Writer's Group. The aim of this group is to bring together budding novelists/poets/essayists/scriptwriter's/etc, to exchange work separate from h2g2 entries for comment. (Alternatively, if you wish your work to stay firmly in h2g2 space and just want someone to read your stuff why not pop along to h2g2 Fiction?) The h2g2 Writer's Group is in its infancy but with your help we can make it grow and dominate the planet (cue manic laughter).

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Members Information

The number of members in the society has been growing steadily since the launch of the site. The society has it’s own external mailing list as part of the Yahoo Groups site, which is proving a great way to discuss and keep in contact.

In order to keep everyone even more up-to-date on news and events there is a ‘Yahoo groups' mailing list. This is a discussion list, which means anyone can email the list freely which then gets sent to every member. This is not instead of the forums here, however, email will give a quicker response time for bulletins. Please sign up by emailing the following relevant address and then visit the site where it is possible to share files and also have live 'chat' in the private chat room1

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Members List

Below is the complete list of members that I know at present, if I have left you off be mistake please contact me and put me right.

The MembersAbout them
Das Mouldy SandwichI read a variety of work. From Sci-Fi to Science, History to Horror, Columns to Comedy. I am willing to read and give feed back on a variety of works. Hope to read from you soon.
LennyI like reading lots of different things but I'm going through another 'horror' phase at the moment. I'll read anything from J K Rowling to William Boyd. Classics old and new entertain me greatly! I love books to be well told with a sense of humour; if a story can make me laugh out loud, I'm there. I am happy to read and comment on many genres from authors who are old hands or just starting out. This doesn't stop at novels - I'll tackle a good informative book too.
Arry the WaifIn summary, I suppose I'm as yet undecided and a bit of a waif as to what I'm going to read and write, although I think I find it a bit easier to write based on something solid if you know what I mean.
Cheerful DragonI like crime (I have the complete works of Agatha Christie. Not a great author, but a real page-turner. I also have the complete works of Dick Francis, another real page-turner), thrillers, fantasy and *some* sci-fi (but less now than in my youth). I also read a lot of non-fiction; history (mostly pre-20th century), natural history (especially prehistoric creatures and evolution) and travel / exploration (pre-Second World War).
MaWTo be updated...
Hercules UnchainedTo be updated...
Cupid StuntTo be updated...
Tonsil RevengeI am flogging my way through my third draft of my two years in the writing, ten years in the making novel.
I have made a buck or two in the past writing button slogans.
I used to be a poet and in my early years earned a little money in prizes in school.
I wrote a pile of fifteen minute scripts for a prospective radio show on a co-op station in Austin. Some of them are being recycled for my Post column "Escape Pod Dreams."
I write sloppy humor, bad satire and strange science fiction/fantasy.
I have written odd crime fiction in the past and had it rejected by several major magazines.
I've written two page-a-day calenders of a humourous nature that failed to find a publisher.

New Visitors Section

If you are new to the h2g2wg then may I say a big welcome to you2. I originally set up the site as a place that people can use and discuss writing with other like-minded people. It has since grown into a proper sub community with people from all walks of life and background interests in creative writing, from the casual scribbler to professional.

If you would like to become a part of the h2g2wg then just put a message in one of the forums below and I will descend from my lofty perch and contact you.

1You need a Yahoo profile to use all the facilities of the site such as the chat room.2and ask where you’ve been all this time?

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