A Conversation for gold watches

This is not the right place for questions

Post 1


It is very unlikely that anyone will pick up this thread. The best place for such questions is Ask the h2g2 Community @ A148907 . You can click on any underlined links. If you want to see how a page is constructed, replace the 'U' in front of the researcher number with 'testuserspace' e.g. U172782 becomes testuserspace172782 .
For entries just replace the 'A' with test.

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizardof the Red Dragon (Swynwr y Ddraig Goch) (conducting a sun sign poll at A712595)(Member of The Guild of Wizards U197895 looking for wiz kids to join, though you don't have to be a wiz kid just know a bit about some subject that you think will be of interest to others or just bore the pants off them. This is an equall opportunities space open to all sexes, ages and abilities)

This is not the right place for questions

Post 2


Yeah,I agree with you.I joined this site last night and I was pretty drunk.There was this girl in the pub who I really fancied who happened to be wearing a gold watch.It was just nonsense.I'm fairly new to this so I apologise for boring the pants off you with my drunken hormones.Anyway,I'm from Dublin and I hope to have more in depth and meaningful conversations with you.Cheers.

This is not the right place for questions

Post 3


Oops I made a boo boo!
You need to type 'testuserpage', not 'testuserspace'. So the URL you'll need to test Rocket Man's user page (for example) is -


Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard(Member of The Guild of Wizards @ U197895)smiley - surfer

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