Talking Point: Holiday Romances

10 Conversations

A couple dancing the Tango

Holiday romances are funny things; you meet and the lack of time and the exotic location makes everything so much more exciting. With the sun dancing on the waves you think that this is it, you have found your perfect partner. You just can't keep your hands off each other! The torrid nature of the romance can make things seem different to the way they really are, you make hurried plans to keep in touch or even to move closer to one another.

But once you get home, things look very different. As your tan fades so does your enthusiasm for the erstwhile love of your life. Or your feelings develop like your photographs but you wait by the phone and they never ring. Perhaps you do meet up and find that away from the sun, sea and sangria, they are not quite as you remembered them. Or worse still you spend time with them and discover that they are just the sort of person you normally avoid.

Or did they turn out to be the love of your life? Tell us about your hottest holiday romance. Go on, confession is good for the soul!

  • Who was your holiday romance and where did you meet them?

  • Was it a whirlwind romance or did it take the whole fortnight to pluck up courage to speak to them?

  • Were they on holiday or a local lover?

  • Did you make a promise to keep in touch or was it a case of 'ships that pass in the night'?

  • Did you see your holiday love again and if so, did you gasp in horror?

  • Or was the spark still there?

  • Did you live happily ever after?


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