A Conversation for Talking Point: Snail Mail versus Email

Love letters

Post 1

Frankie Roberto

Nothing can beat a good old, handwritten love letter. It is so much more romantic! It is possible to write romantic e-mails, but letters are a much more personal touch. Besides, e-mails just reside somewhere in your computer, and have to be read on the screen. Letters can be taken to a bedroom or favorite place, and stored somewhere personal.

Love letters

Post 2

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

But you can attach racy webcam footage to an e-mail... smiley - biggrin

Love letters

Post 3


A daily morning e-mail where you're proclaiming your undying love and wishing your love interest a happy day is ok imho, as long as those letters written with a caring hand and applied with a hint of rose fragrance make their way as well. smiley - smooch

Love letters

Post 4

The Last Gunslinger

i must say i've personally found hand written letters to so much more effective and satisfying. both when writing and when reading them, especially when it comes from my girlfren. and i have every single one of those written by her, each with a different story to tell. each reread bring back many memories... alas, it is not quite the same with the e-mails we send across. smiley - devil

Love letters

Post 5


I like hand writing. I have stored away a birthday card from my Grandfather who died, now, 13 years ago. It's the only thing I have with his handwriting on it and it's very precious to me.

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