The Last Gunslinger

Well. well. well. so here we are. i'm the last gunslinger. sorta like the last christian or sumthing. makes me feel sooo proud to stand talk among men and look over the shoulder of giants and that sorta thing. anyway like i was saying, being the last gunslinger is not a cup cake, or a bed of roses. it tough hard work. anybody who's read about Roland (Of Stephen King, Tower series fame) will quite know what i'm talking about. if you havent... hell and damnation awaits you. what are u waiting for. be gone. read and be BACK here tomorrow so i might tell you more nonsensical things, just like lewis carroll did many moons ago.

As spiderman asked in the latest (and only??) spiderman flick "who am i?", i ask the same question. to all the peeople i meet. and somehow, nobody seems to have the slightest clue about who am i. you, gentle reader, if you might be able to shed some light on my strange mental condition, please let me know. i searched for the answer everywhere but came up with naught. high and low. far and wide. so i decided it was a forgone conclusion... i must be an alien from outer OUTER space, seeding helpless females and increasing the population of the earth and the weight (does the weight of the earth increase with every birth and decrease with every death??). this could have been a satisfactory theory, but it was shot to hell after i fell in love with a pretty human species female and settled into the complexity and humdrum of a satisfying monogamous sexual relationship with her.

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The Last Gunslinger

Researcher U198862


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