A Conversation for Talking Point: What makes a good website?

a good web site

Post 1

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

loads fast without unecessary junk.
is updated regularly and has the last update date clearly visible.
a nice feature would be the date of the next scheduled update.
an email address for the administrator that is actually responded too, even if the answer is 'i dont know, write to this postal address and ask them'.
colours are visible even on the crapest monitor......i.e. goo is pretty but with a half dead monitor you cant see it at all.

if it is a web site that has lots of graphics then there should be a text only version available that you can opt fopr wothout having a front page download and crashing your machine

if it is a site where people are likely to want to save pages to read later then each page should be able to be saved like that. i have come across ones where the text that changes is in a box that you cant save.

i'll go read the back log now and find taht all this has been said.


a good web site

Post 2

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

oh, and i should have said

loads in this order

warnings i.e. age restrictions or content warnings.
graphics/text options page
home page

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