A Conversation for Talking Point: What makes a good website?

I really hate...

Post 21


thanks I will give it a go smiley - ok

*putting goggles on incase it blowes up*

manda smiley - magic

I really hate...

Post 22


BTW what is Java and NON-Java smiley - doh

I really hate...

Post 23


Java is used to embed small applications ('applets') into web pages. If you have IE already, I suggest using that if you come across pages which need it Java (which isn't very often with casual browsing), and just download the non-Java version of Opera which is MUCH smaller. If you decide you do need Java for Opera, you can just download it seperately (I think).

I really hate...

Post 24


Thanks smiley - ok
You can tell I am a REAL expert on conputers smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

manda smiley - magic

I really hate...

Post 25

E G Mel

Just keep playing with them it's the best way to learn!

Mel smiley - hsif

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