A Conversation for Talking Point: What makes a good website?

Nice picture...

Post 1

Frankie Roberto

A h2g2 surfer attached to a blood drip...

Are you trying to tell us something? smiley - winkeye

Nice picture...

Post 2


It's the same picture from the Internet Addiction entry. smiley - smiley

Nice picture...

Post 3

Frankie Roberto

Ahhh... that explains things! smiley - winkeye

Nice picture...

Post 4

Frankie Roberto

P.S You're up early!

Nice picture...

Post 5


J is at the BBC playscheme that starts at 9am. I don't normally get on a train to work that early! smiley - sleepy I've had to get up before 7 every day. smiley - zzz

Nice picture...

Post 6

E G Mel

Aww poor Mina!

I was suprised to see you'd chosen the screen to be alabaster in the picture, I half expected it to change to goo when you viewed it in alabaster smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - hsif

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