A Conversation for 45 Words


Post 1

Demon Drawer

Looks like it is heading to last weeks front page, maybe that was my mistake. Whoops. Need to re-do the Link's title


Post 2

Demon Drawer

Links ok just titled wrong


Post 3

Post Team

Give me a chance DD - I was just combing through correcting them! smiley - laugh

shazz smiley - magic


Post 4

Demon Drawer

Knew you'd be back just tought I'd highlight it for you. smiley - smiley

Last time I'll be helpful smiley - winkeye


Post 5

Post Team

It was very kind of you DD - trying to rush things as usual me! smiley - winkeye
smiley - hug
shazz smiley - magic


Post 6

Pan, the piper at the gates of dawn

That evoked wistful memories of 'The Laughing Gnome.' Thanks, DD.

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