A Conversation for 4th Annual H2G2 Bikini Competition - Voting
Vote For Cærwynn
Bluebottle Started conversation Aug 31, 2002
If you wish to vote for CÆRWYNN, please say so here:
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Coniraya Posted Sep 2, 2002
*does a twirl in her aquamarine bikini wih invisibly attached fish*
The fish really look as if they are swimming, none were harmed in the making of this bikini
Vote For Cærwynn
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Sep 15, 2002
Aquamarine bikinis with invisibly attached
fish are my favorites.
I vote for Caerwynn, because of the imagination
and beauty of her outfit.
I appreciate it that she described it. Not
many contestants did that, so I had nothing
to go on...
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