A Conversation for Shea & TJ's Virtual Wedding Card

i maintain that it was obvious to me before it was to you

Post 1

Uncle Heavy [sic]

and youll have to excuse the deranged ramblings i wrote in the actual wedding book...

i maintain that it was obvious to me before it was to you

Post 2

Shea the Sarcastic

Maintain away. smiley - winkeye

Your ramblings in the real wedding book were fairly intelligible ... I liked the scrawl, though. smiley - winkeye

i maintain that it was obvious to me before it was to you

Post 3

Uncle Heavy [sic]

yes. i have pretty handwriting dont i? it was that expensive education...what did i write? it was the samne as this, wasnt it?

i maintain that it was obvious to me before it was to you

Post 4

Shea the Sarcastic

Sorry for the late reply ... I've been busy lately ... smiley - loveblush

You were downright mushy in the book, UH! I'll have to re-read it to let you know exactly how much ...

i maintain that it was obvious to me before it was to you

Post 5

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i was alreayd quite drunk when i wrote it. i was told not to write anythign rude, and really had to concentrate on legibility...

i maintain that it was obvious to me before it was to you

Post 6

Shea the Sarcastic

Oh dear! It must have been *very* difficult to be not rude, *and* legible! smiley - winkeye

i maintain that it was obvious to me before it was to you

Post 7

Uncle Heavy [sic]

what did i say?

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