A Conversation for Abi's Community Column

Hey Abi!

Post 1


Nice work it is smiley - smiley It certainly looks better and is fun to read smiley - winkeye
Thanx for the excellent job smiley - hug

Hey Abi!

Post 2

Post Team

I think it works extremely well Abi smiley - hug

Keep up the good work please! smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - magic

Hey Abi!

Post 3


Oh thanks! Yeah I like it better too.

smiley - hug

Hey Abi!

Post 4


i've always read your column to try to 'mop up' on things around the place which might have passed me by.

New format contiues this, and is definitely an easier read.

if I said it was more coherent, would you understand that there was no implication that the previous style was incoherent? smiley - winkeye

Don't stop the column, please keep going!

smiley - smileysmiley - blackcat

Hey Abi!

Post 5

Martin Harper

It's pretty cool, but is it really right to be mentioning your favourite edited entries in a *community* column? smiley - bigeyes


Hey Abi!

Post 6


Hey Lucinda!

Well they are content written by the Community, so yes I think it is fair to mention them. Not everyone wants to do the whole virtual tea party thing, and I think it would be a shame to ignore their efforts on this basis.

Hey Abi!

Post 7


Thanks Cloviscat for the comments! smiley - biggrin

Hey Abi!

Post 8


hope this doesn't mean that only three people read the column smiley - sadface

Hey Abi!

Post 9

Post Team

No, it just means that a lot of people read The Post, but not many prvide feedback. Judging by the number of mentions to it scattered around the site, it is still a quite popular part of h2g2 though. smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - magic

Hey Abi!

Post 10


Pleased to hear it! smiley - biggrin

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