A Conversation for The Post Horror Scope
How weird is that.......
Genie Started conversation Jun 24, 2002
I have just read the 'predictions' for February.....
Myself and a few chums DID consume more than enough alcohol on Friday night........
No Farmer in wellies came to visit, but one of the lads did get hold of a blow up wrapped in an Englad flag!!!!!
I believe that the 'sheep' did not come to any harm, but none of us can remember how he got it!!!
Seems your predictions are not as wacky as you think!!!!!
How weird is that.......
GreeboTCat Posted Jun 24, 2002
Hey who said me called them wacky... ~big grin~ ... me is just glad that at least one of them comes true a week... er.. not that me is saying that they are not ALL true predictions... ~grin~
Oh... hmmm... what happened to the sheep then?
How weird is that.......
Genie Posted Jun 25, 2002
The ahhemm....
got a puncture.....
One of the lads was waving it around not paying attention to where he was walking, tripped over and fell on the poor thing!
It was a very funny night!
Well true or not your scopes are very funny and I very much enjoy reading them!
Genie x
How weird is that.......
GreeboTCat Posted Jun 25, 2002
Thank you Genie... ~huggle~... me hopes you don't mind but me gave you a quick mention in this weeks Horror Scope... tis a big event when a prediction comes true... ~big proud grin~
How weird is that.......
Genie Posted Jun 25, 2002
I am deeply honoured to be mentioned on your page Greebs!!
I would offer you some (my cats love it!) as a thank you, but I thought you might enjoy a new toy instead
Genie x
How weird is that.......
GreeboTCat Posted Jun 25, 2002
~Greebo takes the box eagerly... she sniffs it... shakes it and then glances up hopefully~
Is it a doughnut?
How weird is that.......
Genie Posted Jun 27, 2002
I thought that a just wasn't enough sooo....
Its a shaped,
making machine!!!!!
Now you can have a treat on me any time you wish!!
Genie x
How weird is that.......
GreeboTCat Posted Jun 27, 2002
Oh my.. you are so kind... ~Greebo huggles the present~ Me shall treasure it forever...
~big grin~
How weird is that.......
Genie Posted Jun 27, 2002
Just been reading this weeks post!!
Great Job Greebs!!!
I would have been soooo nervous, you must have had a lot of work to do last week!!
Genie x
How weird is that.......
GreeboTCat Posted Jun 28, 2002
Thank you very much Genie... it means a lot to me.. ~huggle~
Hard work yes... but it felt good when it was finally up...
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How weird is that.......
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