A Conversation for Talking Point: Do Celebrities Have the Right to Privacy?


Post 1


I've been reading what some people have said on this. Personally, I think that though these people are famous, they still have a right to privacy like the rest of us (though it also depends who you define as a celebrity, because most people are famous for their job. ie: actor/actress, and most people want to know about their profession).
My attitude is that what celebrities do in their private lives is really of no concern to me, they can make their own decisions. However, I also think that because of their 'status' these people do have a duty to set an example to the general public. I also think that a lot of celebrities do not necessarily use their status fully enough to make an impact where important issues are concerned, such as the environment.

I hope that makes sense! smiley - smiley



Post 2


I agree with you. What celebrities do in their private life shouldn't be put across the national news. Many people look up to celebrities for one reason or another and want to be like them. So if they see their idol beating someone up they may be tempted to follow suit (I know a few people who have done this). The classic example being what is seen on the T.V. footie is seen the next day in playgrounds. So I feel that if celebrities do stuff wrong it should be given the same respect as any normal person would be; perhaps a small article in a local paper but nothing more. Otherwise it seems that the press are trying to get the wrong mesage across. But hey thats just my view.



Post 3


absolutely. smiley - smiley


Post 4


Still sometimes you wonder if the celebrities do such things to get more fame as they can rely of the media picking it up...



Post 5


mmm. Good point.

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