A Conversation for Talking Point: Do Celebrities Have the Right to Privacy?


Post 1


The only place a celebrity should be photographed is where they work.
Not their home, where they shop, where they drink, on holiday.
The only subjects that should be reported about in relation to a celebrity should be only topics directly involved with their profession.
Latest album, single, concert, Show or TV Show.

Footballers are NOT Celebrities. They are over-paid and under-worked. I will not sully the name athlete by associating them to it.
They might work 2 days in a week and get paid a stupid amount to do it.
People who have been on reality tv are NOT celebrities.
Unless you have been working as a tv presenter for at LEAST 5 years then you are NOT famous!
Unless you've been in the Pop or music world as a recording artist for at LEAST 3 years then you are NOT famous!

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