Talking Point: Bad Habits

4 Conversations

Two cigarette butts on the floor
There are some bad habits among individuals such as smoking, drinking liquor, meat eating and gambling. These bad habits not only degrade the individuals but also inflict hardships on their families. These bad habits have to be given up for the individual to manifest his inherent goodness
- Sri Sathya Sai Baba
I don't have any bad habits. They might be bad habits for other people, but they're all right for me.

- Eubie Blake

From chucking litter on the floor to chewing food with your mouth wide open, there are a thousand and one bad habits that daily drive us all up the bleedin' wall. But hang on a minute. Might this be a case of pots calling kettles black? Surely you must have some bad habits of your own? Own up. It could be anything from spitting on the pavement to bad punctuation and using too many exclamation marks in emails!!!! Tell us what gets on your goat. And in the spirit of openness, what bad habits have you got that bug everybody else?

  • Everyone has at least one bad habit - what's yours?

  • Are there habits in others you find utterly intolerable? Would you even go out your way to tell a complete stranger off about his or hers?

  • Are 'bad habits' a cultural thing? Have you ever unwittingly committed a cultural faux pas in another country?

  • Are we witnessing a general decline in good manners (and a surge in bad habits) or is that just something that old duffers of every generation say when they get to a certain age?

  • Have you ever got rid of a bad habit, like smoking or biting your fingernails? Or have you recently developed a new one, like biting your fingernails after having recently given up smoking?

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