A Conversation for 45 Words
Thanks for potted life.DB
Also ran 1 Started conversation Jun 15, 2002
Dear Demon drawer Thanks for the succint, concise, excellent life of the great Donald Budge. How about potted biographies of the other four(I think) who have also won the four tournaments in one year? Regards AR1
Thanks for potted life.DB
Demon Drawer Posted Jun 15, 2002
Hmm I try and spread it out a Bit and keep it topical DB happened to ahve been born on the same date as this particular Thursday but I will take your request on board.
Thanks for potted life.DB
Demon Drawer Posted Jun 25, 2002
Would have done only was so busy in work and I had to get 45 words done, without h2g2 that I wasn't back intime for today and Wimbledon and just wanted to collapse, but I hear Tim is through today and a couple of young Brits are also doing their bit.
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Thanks for potted life.DB
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