A Conversation for Muscular Dystrophy

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Post 1

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

I was diognosed with Ducheane MD in 1977 age 9. I was always falling over at school and could not run and found it hard to stand up. I was pushed over but people by mistake or on purpose.

I went to a special school in Coventry called Exhall Grange in 1980 at age 12. I gradually got weaker and went into an electric wheelchair at age 15 in 1983.

I then went to Hereward College also in Coventry in 1986 to 1991 going onto Staffordshire University in Stoke on Trent from 1991 to 1994 and got a 2.1 in BA Hons Fine Art however fell out of my electric wheelchair and broke my left leg but the shock of that advanced my MD.

I returned home to live with my parents in June 1994 until I left home to live in Aylesbury Buckinghamshire in a Residential Care Home on the 5th of April 1997 this is where I met my future wife. I had to leave there for various reasons and returned to Warwickshire on the 6th of March 1998 and had tempory accomodation at an old peoples home neat Stratford upon Avon. I was eventually offered a bugalow in Southam Warwickshire. My future wife and I moved in on the 2nd of June 1998

In December 1999 I got phmonia and was addmited to Warwick hospital but had a respitory arrest followed by two cardiac arrests and was in ITU on a ventilator for weeks. I was then transphered to Papworth Hospital in the February 2000 they got me off the ventilator and took out my traciotamy. The diognosed I also had Sleep Apnia and gave me a Nippy ventilator which I have to use every night. The events above advanced my MD a bit more. I was also rediognosed at Adambrookes Hospital Cambridge after a muscule biopsy with Becker MD

I was married on the 6th of March 2000

In October 2001 my wife and I were involved in a car crash on the M40 prior to the accident I could shave myself, brush my own hair, sit forward in my wheelcair, I could get myself onto my PC, I could scratch / blow my own nose, I could feed myself, I could hold a mug or glass of drink, I could use a telephone unaided. I could use a urine bottle unaided. After the accident all the above I could not do.

Basically I need full care 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

I could be sad about it but there is no point in that.

In January 2002 I had a chest infection and was addmited to Warwick Hospital again and had a respitory arrest and had to have an emergancy traciotamy which I still have to this day it is just in case I get a chest infection again as I can not physically cough up the secretions so use a suction machine when needed.

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Post 2


Sure you want them to publish it?

I think you should, I just want to be certain that you're sure.

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Post 3

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Sure smiley - smiley

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Post 4

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

..Hey, Wolfie is now an official Post contributer!
..well done Will!

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Post 5

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Thank you very much

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Post 6


Excellent! I'll stick a link to this convo in the original one for the Post Team to make sure they see this!

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Post 7

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Thank you for thinking it is good enough

smiley - fullmoon

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Post 8


Oh, no need, you already did.

Serioulsy Wolfie, this is great! smiley - cake and smiley - bubbly!

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Post 9


No problem! People should definitely be aware of what you've experienced - it might help other people too.

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Post 10

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Thank you here is the MD GE A6913064

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