A Conversation for Talking Point: Are we living in a 'Big Brother' state?


Post 1


Presume you know about echelon? Electronic eavesdropping by the US and allies? I haven't been here in a while so I don't know if the moderators (censors, servants of the state limiting free expression, aaargh!) will allow me to post a URL but here's one anyway.


There's tons of 'information' out there about this, although I don't know how reliable it all is. I know I read somewhere that mobile phone companies were compelled to allow monitoring of their networks at the exchanges - cuts out all that tiresome stuff with radio equipment in vans.


Post 2


hmm, I reckon I've said enough to be picked up by echelon...
I think I'm actually on their monitoring list now. Sadly no one really knows what echelon's capabilities and job discription is, because only NZ will even admit it exists.

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