A Conversation for Talking Point: Are we living in a 'Big Brother' state?


Post 1

Empress of Blandings

I was very concerned about the recent attempt to extend the Regulation of Investigative Powers act and I faxed my MP to protest. Actually that is not strictly true, my brother told me about what was going on - he is a human rights lawyer - and he encouraged me to do it.

I just couldn't understand why either the Foods Standard Agency or the the Postal Services Commission let alone my local district council would want with my mobile phone records let alone my emails. I have a lot of respect for David Blunkett admitting that the Home Office had misinterpreted the mood of the nation. He is the only minister to have admitted he made a mistake.

Oh and by the way, I have already voted for Jade to be evicted four times, regardless of what her family say about her cracking up.

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